共為你找到:26筆sample resume format 相關企業資訊
南陽留學顧問提供的服務項目: 1 專業申請US News排名前100名美國商學院: PHD博士班//MBA/MS—Accounting/Finance/MIS/HR/Technology Management/Real Estate Management 2 專業申請US News排名前100名美國理工科學院博士班及碩士學位: CS/EE/ME/Material Science 3 專業申請US News排名前100名美國大眾傳播學院博士班及碩士學位: Mass Communication/Advertising/Public Relation/IMC/TV,Radio,and Film 4專業申請US News排名前100名美國大學政治/法律/公共管理行政類科系博士班及碩士學位 5 專業申請US News排名前100名美國大學生物科技博士班及碩士學位: / 心理類科系: Education Psychology/Biomedical Engineering生醫工程 /Biotechnology 生物科技/Counseling Psychology 諮商心理學 6 專業申請US News排名前100名美國大學教育類科系 Education Administration/特殊教育Special Education/ TESOL 7 專業申請英國大學商學院:PHD/DBA博士班及大眾傳播學院博士班及碩士學位 8專業申請美國大學運動類科系博士班及碩士學位:  包括Physical Education/運動學Kinesiology/運動管理 Sports Administration/ 運動行銷 Sports Marketing 9 專業申請美國/英國/澳洲/紐西蘭/加拿大語言學校課程 10專業申請US News美國排名前30名大學部:  Ivy League 常春藤聯盟大學 新南陽留學顧問服務項目與輔導流程: 輔導學生從 (1)選校分析(初選) (2)SOP讀書計畫/RL推薦信/CV Resume/撰寫指導 (3)學校決選 (4) ESSAY申論題撰寫指導 (5)學校文件寄件輔導 (6)Interview面試輔導(7)簽證輔導, 完整的流程, 一直到學生收到學校的入學許可以及辦理美國國際學生簽証。
Already under heavy pressure to maintain margins, Taiwan companies are always in need of more cost-effective suppliers and a better understanding of competitive movements within market. TWBIC® serves up insights with ease and speed, delivering near real-time shipment information in a user-friendly format to industry analysts, corporate librarians and managers.
Windsor Education is an English school owned by an American. The schools are located in TianMu and ShinJuang. We create and publish some of our own material. We need a person in TianMu to do graphic design work. The projects include: DMs, posters, book illustrations, book layout design, cover designs, etc... The employee will use Adobe Illustrator, Indesign, Photoshop, and similar programs to complete the projects. Experience with Apple computers is helpful. Also, the person will sometimes help answer the phone and help clean the school. You should also feel comfortable to communicate in English. Please send your resume or a summary of your experience to me at [email protected]
Do you speak English and Chinese fluently? Are you sophisticated? Would you like to work at a dynamic English Language Club in Taichung? Please e-mail your resume and your cover letter in English to: [email protected]
碩方科技股份有限公司自公元1999 年成立以來,一直致力於提供專業用數位媒體製播設備、研發廣播等級系統解決方 案和實施資訊系統整合建置服務。 碩方科技初期的產品以廣播電視節目製作(Production) 與播放設備為主要市場,產品涵蓋多種編輯(editing device) 製 作用設備、圖文字幕(Character Generator,C.G.) 用電腦工作站和數位影音資料擷取用與媒體儲存設備等領域。 自2004 年起更成功陸續開展了企業用資訊媒體網路製播系統( 專業電子看板,Professional Digital Signage) 、媒體資產 管理(Media Asset Management,M.A.M) 與新媒體應用(New Media Applications) 等眾多全新產品領域,碩方科技的主 要客戶群包括無線/ 有線/ 衛星電視台、大型企業、製作公司、大學院校與政府公家機關等。公司出品的即時非線性剪 輯系統 (Real-time Nonlinear Editing system) 、圖文字幕系統 (C.G. system) 與自動化播出系統 (Automation Playout system) 等產品早已在全國各電視臺和專業客戶單位獲得肯定與普遍採用,用戶數已超過1,500 家以上。 碩方科技堅定以專業技術與熱誠服務為公司經營之基礎和信念,以創新製作技術及提升廣播電視節目品質與效率為目標 ,目前已成為業界公認之最佳廣播級數位媒體製播技術諮詢顧問公司之一。 全世界的廣播電視媒體行業正處在數位化變遷與轉換時期,這些改變帶來了許多挑戰,也帶給碩方科技全新與重大的發 展契機。碩方科技除了擁有堅強的研發團隊與企劃團隊,更與超過十家全世界最知名的軟體與硬體廠商進行緊密的技術 合作與交流,以提供所有客戶最先進且最穩固的解決方案與即時服務。而隨著產品的落實與研發的紮根,碩方科技也已 從單純產品代理商( 或設備提供商) ,提升到也能夠提供整體解決方案(Total Solution) 的系統集成(System integration) 與專業研發服務(System Development) 。 自2005 年後由於VOXEL 經營集團資金的積極投入,碩方科技更在高畫質電視(High Definition , HDTV) 視訊圖文產品 開發、數位媒體資產管理(Digital M.A.M) 與多格式轉檔(Multi-format Transcoding) 技術創新、新媒體自動化服務系統 建置(New media application service) 、資訊網頁技術整合等方面領先同行。今後,碩方科技會將更多的媒體製作、資 訊與網路技術的開發成果應用於2D/3D 電視圖文製播、數位內容資產管理、行動媒體觀看(Mobile TV DVB-H) 、網 路媒體播出(IP-TV) 、數位電視(DVB-T) 與隨選視訊(V.O.D) 等應用系統的解決方案上,碩方科技全體同仁將更深入地 持續以專業電視媒體製播技術為核心,穩健地向各種領域的數位媒體應用積極拓展推廣 !
Seagull Scientific is an USA Company founded in 1985. We are the developer of “BarTender,” a leading software application well known around the world for excellence in label printing, bar code generation, and RFID encoding. Our software is used both stand-alone and as an integrated component of large-scale supply chain management solutions based on platforms from SAP, Oracle, Microsoft and others. Seagull is now approximately 90+ people Software Company worldwide. The Seagull Asia-Pacific Headquarter is the Taiwan branch, located in Taipei. It is one of three offices outside of the USA that have actively contributed to our steady long-term growth. Crucial to our success over many years has been the careful evaluation of talent and the recognition and reward of employees for their excellence and hard work. So, Come Join The Team! This is truly an exciting time for us, but we definitely need to have the right people onboard to help us reach the next level. If you are a creative individual that enjoys the challenges of hard work in exchange for real opportunity and recognition for your efforts, please e-mail us your resume and cover letter for consideration. 美商海鷗科技創立於西元1985年,總公司位於美國華盛頓州的西雅圖. 於1987年推出第一個標籤列印軟體 「BarTender」至今已翻譯完成20多種國際語言,銷售全世界. 亞太區域據點是於2004年成立. 就在臺灣! 加入我們! 激勵員工「勤奮」和「創造」,讓員工在職場上盡情發揮、成長和迅速提升責任感是我們的經營理念;我們提供您愉快、舒適的工作環境,歡迎熱誠、向上、個性開朗、以及有責任感的人士加入我們的行列。 流利的英文是我們必備的要求,如果您有興趣加入我們的行列, 請將您的英文履歷以電子郵件的方式寄給我們.
Contrarian Group 為一橫跨航運、物流、後勤、和海運之跨國企業,於亞洲尋求充滿活力、知識豐富之職員。我們尋求對於近東、中東、與遠東物流和全球物流有豐富經驗的職員。 我們需要職員分析現行物流、航運之流程,同時為我們的客戶研擬商品物流策略和方法,以滿足他們於此地區的需求。 A multi-national company that provides shipping, logistics and maritime services is looking for energetic, knowledgeable candidates to expand its footprint in the Asian market. The ideal candidate would have current experience in Near and Middle East, East Asia and world-wide shipping. Responsibilities include providing analysis of current processes to develop strategies that meet our clients requirements for a wide range of services sourced from within the region. Expertise in one or more of the following areas is preferred: - Port security personnel - Inspections - Database management - Shipping managers - Customs enforcement - Logistics coordinators - Disaster recovery systems and plans - Data backup services and management - Analysis - Communication technology and IDS - Operating systems and platforms - Documentation Managers - Sales managers - Freight forwarding If you are interested, please email your resume and contact details to [email protected]
Lantiq is an international fabless semiconductor organization of approximately 1,100 people which has a 20+ year record of technology leadership, innovation and strong customer relationships. Its holistic understanding of broadband technology, complete applications, communication standards, and legacy networks enables the company to offer the broadest portfolio of highly integrated, flexible end-to-end semiconductor solutions for next generation networks and the digital home. If you are an ambitious individual looking to join an international company at the forefront of technology and innovation, we welcome you to expand your horizons with us. With technologies that shrink the world. Interested applicants, please email your full resume stating current and expected salaries to [email protected] For more information, visit us at our website:http://www.lantiq.com
臻順企業社為積順股份有限公司的子公司,專業於探針治具製作及代客CNC車銑加工 本司為確保產品品質不斷投入加工設備;與不斷開創新產品,從 建構模型(逆向~正向)→拆機構→程式撰寫→CNC加工→sample功能尺寸確認…等, 使每一設計流程環環相扣。 目前公司設備有: CNC銑床、CNC車床、2D投影設備、放電加工機…等~~
【電池先生】為亞洲第一家專業整合電池販售公司,並於2001年6月創立Mr.Battery電池先生品牌,這三年多以來菁山科技成功整合了國內外25種Notebook品牌全系列電池、攝影機電池、數位相機電池等大眾化需求產品,菁山科技將市場重心鎖定在[商品售後市場],並以虛擬通路及實體門市雙管齊下的方式為消費者供應原廠所不再提供的電池,解決消費者找不到電池的困擾。 菁山科技全系列電池皆以日系電池芯製造,因此電池品質絕對令人用的安心,並且積極研發新的電力產品、代理新的電腦周邊商品,希望能讓公司朝全方位的市場通路發展,做到放眼世界、立足台灣的目標。 菁山科技成立於民國90年6月,同年8月創設Mr.Battery電池先生的自有品牌,積極整合、研發高品質國內外各類型NB、DSC、DV等電池,並架設全亞洲第一個專業電池網站『Mr.Battery.com』提供完整線上電池資訊查詢、販售,致力創造以台灣為立足點的全球電池銷售網絡。 民國92年10月為建立完整行銷通路始建立電池先生直營門市,從虛擬網站到實體門市皆能快速滿足消費者需求。 〝服務〞是菁山科技對社會大眾的承諾與保證,更是在這市場立足的關鍵準則。我們本著務實的精神,專業的態度,完整的產品線,標準物流體系,為解決顧客的電源需求。 電源周邊產品之設計、製造及銷售: 開發、製造、行銷資料收集、產品及服務,提供全世界客戶更便利的電源產品,並藉以提昇他們的便利性及效能。 便利、快速、精準的售後服務: 菁山科技在世界各地的後勤支援中心,除了配有售後服務工程人員外,同時擁有維修所需的必要零組件,以及各產品線依產品序號所建立的詳細工程資料檔,以確保本公司在世界各地的客戶都能享有便利、快捷、精準的售後服務 Burnaby International Technology(BIT) established in June 2001,is a major aftermarket supplier of battery and computer components in Asia. Bit created the brand Mr.Battery in Auguset of its inaugural year and provides a complete on-line source for battery information and marketplace through its Mrbattery.com website. Bit is the process fo opening a series of Mr. Bttery Stores in October 2003.which together with Mrbattery.com would format complete network that serves our customers with efficiency and proficiency. Bit is dedicated in providing a total portable power solution for our customers with a complete product line and standardized logistics.Our mission and commitment is to serve your needs with great enthusiasm and professionalism. 銷售門市: 台灣總部 台北市內湖區內湖路一段316號9F Tel: (02)2659-9144 Fax: (02)2659-8351 台北直營店 台北市中正區八德路一段34號 Tel: (02)2392-3626 Fax: (02)2327-8133 桃園 NOVA 店 330 桃園市復興路99號207櫃 Tel: (03)347-8987 台中直營店 台中市西區英才路508號2樓 Tel: (04)2329-7760 Fax: (04)2329-7785 高雄直營店 高雄市三民區建國二路51之7號 Tel: (07)235-9082 Fax: (07)969-6058
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